EPIC5 Challenge LLC Trademark Notice

Please note that the business life blood of the EPIC5 brand is its trademarks, service marks, proprietary logos and other distinctive brand features (which we collectively refer to as our “Marks”) found on our website, clothing and apparel and all other materials displaying EPIC5 branding and are the exclusive property of EPIC5 Challenge LLC.  In accordance with applicable trademark legal protections afforded by most countries around the world, you are not permitted to use any of the Marks for any purpose without the prior written consent of EPIC5 Challenge LLC. In addition, you are not permitted to adopt, use or register any words, phrases or symbols which are identical to or confusingly similar to any of the Marks. Please further understand that in the event EPIC5 Challenge LLC does provide you with prior written permission to use any of the Marks, such use shall be limited in scope and time duration as specified in any such prior written permission and you are obligated to cease any and all use of Marks upon the expiration of the specified time duration. Thank you for your understanding, cooperation and assistance in preserving the integrity of the EPIC5 brand so that future athletes and crews can enjoy the same experience as you.